Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


The IDE throws a generation error when creating code for DLLs. The app will build but as no EXP file is generated you can't use the DLL (at least not by linking in the DLL's lib). Diego says this will be fixed in the next build.

titleUpdate: Interim fix!

Bob Z has provided an interim fix for the DLL problem, which is caused by an incorrectly formatted Type32 node inside ClarionProperties.xml file.

This XML file is located in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SoftVelocity\Clarion\9.0 (where <username> is replaced with your own user name).

Here's how an incorrectly formatted file appears:

Image Added

The Type32 node should not exist. Instead it should be replaced by the following Properties node:

Code Block
 	<Properties name="Type32">
	    <signed value="long" />
	    <unsigned value="long" />
	    <handle value="long" />
	    <bool value="long" />

This will be fixed for the next release, but meanwhile you can edit the file manually.

An extremely weird thing happened while I was editing my ClarionProperties.xml in Notepad++. I had copied the above text into the clipboard to paste into this document, and then to paste into the XML file. But I figured I should probably close Clarion first just in case it wrote to the file on exit. I closed Clarion. Notepad++ said the file had changed. Aha! I was right. I reloaded the file.

And to my great surprise it was now the correctly formatted file! How did that happen? Did what I had in the clipboard somehow make it into the file? That really doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Or did the IDE somehow wake up and realize it needed to rewrite the XML file?




Start page styling

There's been some grumbling about a change to the IDE that internalized start page styling so it can no longer be customized via layout.css. 
