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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

There is an absolutely massive amount of source code buried in the Clarion Magazine archives. A lot of it still runs just fine; some needs to be updated. 

A lot of that code isn't as easy to use as it could be. Some of it is sample code created for a specific purpose; other code is generalized but intended to be pasted into embed points; yet other code is wrapped up in procedures. 

Wouldn't it be great if some (most? all?) of this code would be available in a single library? With a single place to download the latest and greatest version of the library? Where others could easily contribute fixes and improvements?

No question, that would be absolutely fantastic. 

So, how to make that happen?

There are two parts to the solution. One is to start pulling together code into a library. I've actually been working on that for some time - I have a class library I used in a number of projects, and much of that code comes from the pages of Clarion Magazine. 

The other part is to set up a source code repository. This way DevRoadmaps can publish updates to the repository, and you can sync some or all of those updates to your own copy of the source. 

Of course that raises the question of which source code repository. I've been using Git for a while now, and I really like it, but until recently there really wasn't an easy way to install and use Git on Windows. But a team at the Git hosting site GitHub, headed up by former Microsoftie Phil Haack, have created a new product called GitHub for Windows. GitHub for Windows installs the full Git tooling, but gives you a much more user-friendly way to interact with repositories. 

So, Git it is! 

The DevRoadmaps Clarion Library (DCL) is a collection of classes gleaned from the original Clarion Magazine site as well as new source from this site. It includes a variety of utility classes as well as ClarionTest (DCL), a unit testing framework created specifically for Clarion.

How to get the repository


See How to use the DevRoadmaps Clarion Library (DCL). You may also want to read about the DCL directory tree structure. If you're new to object-oriented programming, check out Object oriented programming in Clarion.


We're working on the class library docs - stay tuned..., which you can find here.



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