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As Clarion developers we (well, most of us) live and die by embed code. Embeds are, after all, at the heart of Clarion's effectiveness. They're the primary way we add custom code to applications that are otherwise template-generated.


In this series of articles I'll analyze the embedded code in the Invoice example that ships with Clarion, and I'll show how significant portions of that application's embed code can be transformed into something that is maintainable, debuggable, even testable, and much easier to document.

The Clarion application architecture

We all use Clarion because in some way or another it makes our jobs as developers easier. There are still a few hand-coders in our midst who find sufficient benefit in the Clarion language itself, but for the rest of us it's all about the templates. And whether you're using ABC or Legacy (Clarion) templates, the great thing is that Clarion creates an entire application framework for you, largely based on the contents of your dictionary.


The vast majority of Clarion applications in existence are AppGen creation; they embody these classic Clarion architectural features. Among other things that gives Clarion developers a common basis of discussion, and I don't think it's going too far to say that this shared application architecture is the main reason, or at least a very big reason, for the strength of the Clarion community over the last twenty years.

The problem with the Clarion architecture

But as useful as the Clarion architecture is, it has a problem. And that problem is going to grow in size as your applications grow in size and complexity.


The problem is that embeds are almost always misused!

Example #1: The Invoice app

Here's an example from the shipping Clarion sample apps, specifically the Invoice app. The following is a listing of the embedded source from the UpdateDetail procedure, which lets the user add invoice line items:


Yes, this example is a mess. Yet there's something quite valuable buried in all this code. It's not the database access; it's not the way the screen is updated. The valuable bit is the logic behind a particular way of handling invoicing.

Business logic: the real value of your application

Think of your application as made up of three parts:


Somewhere, buried in that embed code for the UpdateDetail procedure, is a business process for handling invoicing. A quick glance wouldn't tell you that, and a closer look would probably leave you a little confused (at least it does me).

Extracting business logic

My task in this series of articles is to explore the ways that business logic can be teased out of the embed point and put into some code that's easy to understand, easy to maintain and modify, and easy to test.


Instead, I'm going to ease into this with a simpler example. And it's kind of a funny one.

Example #2: Embedded code to find embedded code

As I began to plan out this series of articles I realized very early on that I'd need a way to get a report on the embed code used by all the procedures in any given application. It may be that there's a template solution to this problem; I'm not aware of any such template. Rather, the approach I've used for extracting embed information is to export I decided to do this by exporting a TXA and then parse parsing that TXA, looking for the embeds.


Figure 1 shows a screen shot of the embed list (slightly abbreviated) for the TXA parser procedure.

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Figure 1. The original TXAParser procedure

There are just five embeds in the parser procedure. First, there's some global data:


There's a ton more code, but you get the idea. This code is completely dependent on a specific database structure, and it references a control on the current window. It's sprinkled throughout a bunch of generated code. Those are all problems, to some degree. But mostly it's just hard to reuse this code somewhere else.

Making the TXA parser reusable

Now, how would I go about taking that parsing code and making it into something that could be used in that original embed analysis app as well as in the new embed extraction tool, the one that creates the listing from the Invoice app?


You've probably heard the saying "the second time, it's a template." The idea is that if you find yourself writing the same code more than once, it really ought to go into a template.

The second time, it's not a template

The template advocacy statement I like is this one:
