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In Part 1 I had a look at the new files (templates, source, etc.) shipping with Clarion 9.1; now it's time to see what's changed in the existing files. 


The ClarionSharp blog entry on H5 contains this mention of JSON:

H5 apps use the jQuery library, either jQuery UI or jQuery Mobile (UI), and JSON for updating client side data without a full page refresh.  They run under the AppBroker SE, so you just install the service and deploy — no IIS knowledge required.

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and is a simple data format with a wide variety of uses. You can find out more at


Code Block
IsInstanceRunning           PROCEDURE(<STRING processExeName>),LONG !Return the instance running other than this one
RestoreInstanceRunning      PROCEDURE(<STRING processExeName>),BYTE !If the process is ommited it refere to the current process name returned by GetEXEFileName() processExeName must be Filename.Ext

All those classes

All those classes I hadn't noticed before (or thought about for a while) made me wonder just how many classes ship with Clarion. See the list here.

Next time

That's all for this edition. Next time I'll conclude with a look at the template changes, and I'll list what I consider the most interesting items from the release notes. 
