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Our classic 600+ page book on managing Clarion databases and working with SQL is now available for download as a PDF e-book!

This is for your personal use as a subscriber of Clarion Magazine.

Table of Contents


Introduction to Databases
  • Designing Databases 
  • Handling Many-To-Many Relationships
  • Managing Complexity, Rule 1: Eliminate Repeating Fields 
  • Managing Complexity, Rule 2: Eliminate Redundant Data 
  • Managing Complexity, Rule 3: Eliminate Columns That Don’t Belong 
  • Managing Complexity, Rule 4: Isolate Independent Multiple Relationships 
  • Managing Complexity, Rule 5: Isolate Semantically Related Multiple Relationships 
  • Displaying Normalized Data 
  • Displaying Many-To-Many Relationships
  • True Confessions: A Tale of Two Users
Using Topspeed Files
  • Using Dynamic Indexes With TPS Files
  • Using The TPS ODBC Driver
  • Reading Tables With ADO
  • Accessing TPS Files Via ASP
  • Using Example Files With TPSFix
  • Topspeed Driver Error Codes
  • Troubleshooting TPS File Corruption
  • Resolving Network And Other File Problems
General SQL
  • An Introduction To SQL
  • Getting Into SQL On The Cheap
  • How To Convert Your Database To SQL
  • Converting TPS To MS-SQL
  • Avoid My SQL Mistakes!
  • SQL Data Types Comparison
  • The SQL Answer Cowboy
Open Source SQL
  • Using Clarion With MySQL
  • MySQL/MyODBC Notes
  • MySQL: InnoDB Tables And Transactions
  • Large Table Performance in MySQL
  • Getting Started With PostgreSQL
  • Referential Integrity In Oracle
  • AutoNumbering In Oracle
  • Transactions In Oracle


  • Migrating The Inventory Application To SQL Server
  • Using SQL Server’s Data Transformation Services
  • Converting Data With Linked Servers
  • Converting The Inventory Example - Calling Stored Procedures
  • SQL Identity: Another Approach
  • Creating Utilities For MS SQL 2000
  • Generating MS SQL Server Side Triggers
  • Date Filtering with MS SQL
Book Reviews
  • Book Review: PostgreSQL Developer’s Handbook
  • Book Review: SQL Tuning
  • Book Review: SQL In A Nutshell
  • Book Review: Managing & Using MySQL
ABC Database Class Design Notes
  • Inside ABC: FieldPairsClass and BufferedPairsClass
  • Inside ABC: The FileManager
  • Inside ABC: The RelationManager
  • Inside ABC: The ViewManager
Database Tips & Techniques
  • Clarion File Access Basics
  • Managing Table Opens In ABC
  • Creating ODBC Data Sources At Runtime
  • Securing Remote Database Connections With SSH Tunneling
  • Using Client-Side Triggers In Clarion 6
  • Working With Control Files
  • Changing Dictionaries
  • Alias - Who Was That Masked File?
  • Propitious Memory Corruption
  • Detecting Duplicate Records
  • NAME() Comes Of Age
Appendices & Indexes
  • Appendix A: Getting Support
  • Appendix B: Related Articles
  • Author Index
  • Index