I forget when SoftVelocity began shipping the debug version of ClaRUN.DLL, somewhere in Clarion 8 I think, but it's been a Godsendgodsend. Compile your app(s) with debug info on, use the debug ClaRUN.DLL, and if you GPF, instead of a difficult-to-read stack trace with a bunch of memory addresses you get actual line numbers that take you directly to the location of the GPF.
Let me be more exact: I had a global include referencing a class's INC file, and that class's CLW file had a MEMBER statement that said the class belonged to a different app. Everything compiled just fine, but when I tried to run the app everything asploded.
I didn't bother trying to track down the exact reason for the GPF; I just removed the unnecessary include statement, compile the DLL in question, and was able to run the second app.