CIDC got off to a bit of a wobbly start with some technical issues, but those were resolved very quickly and we've had some excellent presentations with much more to come. I've been accumulating notes and will have some coverage up on the site this evening.
Here's a grab bag of tips and techniques from our Databases & SQL e-book:
- Clarion File Access Basics
- Managing Table Opens In ABC
- Creating ODBC Data Sources At Runtime
- Securing Remote Database Connections With SSH Tunneling
- Using Client-Side Triggers In Clarion 6
- Working With Control Files
- Changing Dictionaries
- Alias - Who Was That Masked File?
- Propitious Memory Corruption
- Detecting Duplicate Records
- NAME() Comes Of Age
- Inside ABC: FieldPairsClass and BufferedPairsClass
- Inside ABC: The FileManager
- Inside ABC: The RelationManager
- Inside ABC: The ViewManager
SQL Server is a frequent choice among Clarion devs. Check out these articles in our e-book:
- Migrating The Inventory Application To SQL Server
- Using SQL Server’s Data Transformation Services
- Converting Data With Linked Servers
- Converting The Inventory Example - Calling Stored Procedures
- SQL Identity: Another Approach
- Creating Utilities For MS SQL 2000
- Generating MS SQL Server Side Triggers
- Date Filtering with MS SQL
- Referential Integrity In Oracle
- AutoNumbering In Oracle
- Transactions In Oracle
- Using Clarion With MySQL
- MySQL/MyODBC Notes
- MySQL: InnoDB Tables And Transactions
- Large Table Performance in MySQL
- Getting Started With PostgreSQL
Part 3 of the Databases & SQL e-book (now available to all subscribers) includes the following general SQL articles:
- An Introduction To SQL
- Getting Into SQL On The Cheap
- How To Convert Your Database To SQL
- Converting TPS To MS-SQL
- Avoid My SQL Mistakes!
- SQL Data Types Comparison
- The SQL Answer Cowboy
TPS articles from part 2 of the Databases & SQL e-book, now available to all subscribers:
- Using Dynamic Indexes With TPS Files
- Using The TPS ODBC Driver
- Reading Tables With ADO
- Accessing TPS Files Via ASP
- Using Example Files With TPSFix
- Topspeed Driver Error Codes
- Troubleshooting TPS File Corruption
- Resolving Network And Other File Problems
- Designing Databases
- Handling Many-To-Many Relationships
- Managing Complexity, Rule 1: Eliminate Repeating Fields
- Managing Complexity, Rule 2: Eliminate Redundant Data
- Managing Complexity, Rule 3: Eliminate Columns That Don’t Belong
- Managing Complexity, Rule 4: Isolate Independent Multiple Relationships
- Managing Complexity, Rule 5: Isolate Semantically Related Multiple Relationships
- Displaying Normalized Data
- Displaying Many-To-Many Relationships
- True Confessions: A Tale of Two Users
We have relocated to a new server, but there may still be occasional service interruptions as we get everything arranged. Thanks for your patience.