Blog from May, 2012

Dave's ugly form is getting more functional - it now sports input masks and the ability to search for records. Which brings up an interesting point about the difference between record- and set-oriented file processing. 

Dave Harms continues to work his way through database access in WinDev. He encounters some standard validation messages and begins creating an update form from scratch. 

Finally, it's time to start generating some code! But all too predictably Dave Harms goes off on another tangent when his new app presents him with a Tip of the Day. 

There are a variety of ways to build up an analysis, including direct entry of file definitions and importing from a variety of sources. Then you're ready to start defining relationships.

Dave gets an introduction to "analysis" when he creates his first data file.

After promising not to get distracted again so soon, Dave Harms diverts his attention briefly to the WD 17 upgrade. Then it's back to the tutorial and dates, times and currencies

This is the Victoria Day long weekend here in Canada and we're tacking on an extra day at the end, so the next installment of WinDev in an hour a day will be on Wednesday, May 23 2012.

Okay, just one more unit test. Please? It won't take long. And it might bring up an interesting point or two about strings... 

Dave Harms starts off looking at strings, but quickly gets distracted by the need to test whether you can modify a string by slicing. Not a bad thing, as he works out how to create and run unit tests

Today's entry is all about menus and procedures. Menus can be easy or they can be difficult, depending on what you want to do. And WinDev has some interesting variations on procedures, global and local. 

This week on ClarionLive Ben Dell showed how easy it is to create and deploy Android apps, and Bob Roos showed a nifty app he wrote to collect and search for help links and examples. Bob also covered a variety of other topics including the setup program. 

The official WinDev-US WxDevCon 2012 conference page is online. I've also added the link to the WxDevCon page

This week at WxLive:

Webinar #23A- Ben Dell, 7:00-7:25am Pacific Time. Ben will do a short demo on how to create, compile, and distribute to an Android Virtual device and a live device. 

Webinar #23B - Bob Roos, 7:30-8:00am Pacific Time. Bob will be discussing the Help available in WX both Local and Online. In addition he will show a small app that lists 30+ key online pages that group all the related WX functions for a given area (like strings, arrays, euro...). The app and project will be available (somehow) for others to have.