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In the first article in this series I said that most Clarion developers use embed points the wrong way, and by doing so they make their applications more difficult to maintain, test, debug and document. Almost every Clarion developer has done that; I've done it too. In these articles I intend to show how you can improve your code base by taking the majority of that code out of the embed points.


Really you have two options: You can browse it in the embed list or in the embeditor, or you can use a tool to extract just the embeds so you can look at them without the distraction of the generated code.

About TXAs

As far as I know, there's only one way to programmatically extract the embed code from an APP. First, you have to export a TXA, which is an import/export text version of the information contained in an APP file. And second, you to parse the TXA to get the embeds, which can be a bit of a pain as the TXA format isn't documented.


What I had in mind for my new utility was something more along these lines:

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My original parser's functionality was overkill for this new app; I really didn't need to build up an elaborate database of applications, procedures, and embed points. I just needed a list of embed points. But obviously I needed all of the parsing capabilities, gnarly though the code might be.


And there were other problems. Because my original app was tied to a particular data store (a PostgreSQL database), any re-use of that code would have to know the table definitions. Since Clarion only supports one dictionary per app, any apps that used this procedure would either need to use the dictionary or import the tables from that dictionary.

Class or procedure?

So what's the answer? If it's not a template, and not a multi-purpose generated procedure and not INCLUDEd source, what's left? Procedures and classes, that's what. But not just any procedures or classes. I wanted to write code that had as few dependencies as possible.


In fact, a class method is really just a procedure, so using a class already gets you everything a procedure can do. But it also gets you more, because in a class multiple methods can operate on shared data.

The test app

In recent years I've become a devotee of test-driven development, which embodies the idea that you write your test first and then start in on the code needed to pass the test. I find this provides a lot of clarity to my class design.


Provisionally, I'll name my class DCL_Clarion_TXAParser. For more on creating test apps see Creating a ClarionTest test DLL (DCL).

The first test

So what should my first test look like? A reasonable place to start seems to be identifying the number of embed points in a TXA, using code like this:


I'm not creating this code from scratch; instead I'm refactoring a previously created set of classes to use the DCL standards and existing DCL classes. But the original code doesn't have a GetEmbedCount method so I'll have to add that at some point. 

The class

The first decision I have to make is how to store the embed data. Originally I used a SQL database, but this now appears to be a liability. My parser should use something more transient that can be converted to a permanent store or just discarded after use. An in-memory data store, in the form of nested queues, fits the bill:


At first blush this looks like an ideal task for a procedure. Pass in the name of the TXA and an empty queue and get back a filled queue: presto! But here's why I think the procedural solution is hardly ever a good solution: there's almost always some new functionality you will ant want to add which doesn't fit into the existing procedure.
