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Welcome to the DevRoadmaps community new Clarion Magazine site, with resources for Clarion , WinDev, and .NET software developers.development as well as selected other tools used by the Clarion community. 

Who are we?

We're CoveComm Inc, based in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. We've been publishing Clarion Magazine, the web's No 1 resource for Clarion developers, since 1999. With this site we're continuing to publish about Clarion, we're adding more .NET content, and we're extending our coverage to PC Soft's WinDev (including WinDev Mobile and Web Dev). 


Looking for the original DevRoadmaps site? Check the FAQ!

Clarion and WinDev on one site? Is that a good idea?

We think it's a great idea. Sure, to some people Clarion and WinDev are competing products (those people being the good folks at SoftVelocity and PC Soft). But if you're a business software developer WinDev or Clarion or any other tool isn't the source of your livelihood, it's one of the means to your livelihood which is providing software solutions for your clients.

And once upon a time, yes, you could use a single product to provide those solutions. But software development is a much more complex venture now than it was even a decade ago. 

That's where we come in. We provide coverage not just of WinDev and/or Clarion (you can choose whether you want one or both "roadmaps") but of the many different fields of knowledge vital to building effective, maintainable business software in the shortest period of time. 

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All DevRoadmaps content

Can I choose Clarion or WinDev content?

Yes, if you want just the Clarion "roadmap" or just the WinDev "roadmap" you can get that and not see pages related to the product that doesn't interest you. See our subscription page for the details.


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The Clarion "roadmap"

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The WinDev "roadmap"


What kind of content are we talking about?

Our focus at Clarion Magazine was on feature articles. We'll still publish full length articles at DevRoadmaps, but we're also looking at a much more extensive knowledge base than was possible with the Clarion Magazine site (which incidentally will remain online as an archive). There's a vast amount of information out there that's relevant to business software development, but finding it isn't always easy. We'll give you an organized view of that information through numerous shorter articles, blog posts, links, RSS feeds, FAQ items, and more. 


How do I subscribe?

Check out our subscription page for the details. If you have a current Clarion Magazine subscription then you're already subscribed! But check your subscription expiry date - by renewing now you can extend your DevRoadmaps subscription and save some serious cash. 

I still have questions. Where can I get answers?

Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page or send us your questions.