Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are we?

This site is published by CoveComm Inc, which also publishes Clarion Magazine.

Why this site?

We've been publishing vital information for software developers since 1999, via Clarion Magazine. But as great a resource as Clarion Magazine has been (and will continue to be), we believe it's time for something more. Back when ClarionMag first hit the 'net, you could easily meet business software development requirements by using a single tool (like Clarion) and targeting a single platform (like the Windows desktop). Now, software development is much more diverse, often involving multiple platforms and many different toolsets.

What's on the site?

We're just getting under way, so there's not a lot here yet. But that's how Clarion Magazine started, and it now contains over a million words of content. So stay tuned.

This site's content is organized into spaces, with each space having a specific theme. Current spaces include:

  • Clarion Wiki
  • Clarion Articles
  • WinDev Wiki
  • WinDev Articles
  • SQL
  • .NET development

We're open to setting up additional spaces. Clarion Magazine had a single focus; DevRoadmaps is here to help Clarion, WinDev, and other business software developers get the job done in the best way possible.

This is a wiki?

Yes, this site is a wiki, running on Atlassian Confluence. But that doesn't mean that anyone can edit any part of the site. For one thing, anonymous users only have access to a few pages, such as this one.

Most of the content is subscriber-only. Some wiki spaces can be edited by any subscriber. Other spaces can only be edited by administrators and contributors with special access. 

Why do I have to pay?

A site like this entails software license costs and server costs. And although it's open to direct user contributions, making sure all of that information is well-organized and, in some cases, professionally edited also takes time and money.

How much does it cost?

See our subscription page for current pricing.

What's become of the original DevRoadmaps site?

We have rolled all original DevRoadmaps subscriptions into this site. If you have any concerns about your subscription to the original DevRoadmaps site please let us know.

I have a question that isn't listed here - how can I get an answer?

Send us your question; if it's appropriate for this page we'll post the answer here.