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The following embeds are extracted from the ABC template chain; the list excludes hidden embeds as those are only available to template writers, not to anyone just adding code to an embed.

Embed ranking is taken from Embed Analysis: Which Embeds Do Clarion Developers Use The Most?


  • %AcceptedEventOtherHandling,'ELSE Clause of CASE ACCEPTED
  • %AcceptLoopAfterEventHandling,'Accept Loop, After TakeEvent'
  • %AcceptLoopAfterFieldHandling,'Accept Loop, After CASE FIELD
  • %AcceptLoopBeforeEventHandling,'Accept Loop, Before TakeEvent'
  • %AcceptLoopBeforeFieldHandling,'Accept Loop, Before CASE FIELD
  • %AdditionalDebugHooks,'Add additional DebugHook statements'
  • %AfterAccept,'After Processing the Window'
  • %AfterAssignToOLE,'After assigning BLOB to OLE Control'
  • %AfterBind,'After BIND Fields'
  • %AfterBlobAssign,'After assigning from OLE control to BLOB'
  • %AfterCallingDOSFileLookupAsk,'After calling DOSFileLookup.Ask method'
  • %AfterCallingUpdateOnAdd,'Relation Tree, After Update Procedure on Add'
  • %AfterCallingUpdateOnEdit,'Relation Tree, After Update Procedure on Edit'
  • %AfterCallingUpdateOnRemove,'Relation Tree, After Update Procedure on Remove'
  • %AfterClosingExports,'After Closing the export file'
  • %AfterControlRefresh,'After Refresh Window for Browse Box'
  • %AfterControlRefresh,'After Refresh Window for FormVCR'
  • %AfterCreatingExportFile,'Creating the export file'
  • %AfterCSILDCreateFolderGetError, 'Program CODE Section Error Handling for INI file CSIDL folder creation'
  • %AfterCSILDCreateFolderGetErrorDLL, 'DLLInitialiser.Construct CODE Section Error Handling for INI file CSIDL folder creation'
  • %AfterDataPathCSIDLCreationGetError, 'Program CODE Section Error Handling for Data Path creation'
  • %AfterDctDestruction, 'After dictionary destruction'
  • %AfterDctInitialization, 'After dictionary initialization'
  • %AfterEntryPointCodeStatement,'After PROGRAM code statement'
  • %AfterFileClose,'CloseFiles ROUTINE, After Closing Files'
  • %AfterFileClose,'End of Procedure, After Closing Files'
  • %AfterFileDeclarations,'After File Declarations'
  • %AfterFileOpen,'Beginning of Procedure, After Opening Files'
  • %AfterFileOpen,'OpenFiles ROUTINE, After Opening Files'
  • %AfterFileRestore,'RestoreFiles ROUTINE, After Restoring Files'
  • %AfterFileSave,'SaveFiles ROUTINE, After Saving Files'
  • %AfterGlobalIncludes,'After Global INCLUDEs'
  • %AfterInitGlobalDllObjects, 'DLL Initialization code after configuring global objects'
  • %AfterInitialGet,'After first record retrieval'
  • %AfterInitializingResize,'After initializing resizer'
  • %AfterOLEInitialization,'After initializing OLE control'
  • %AfterOpeningReport,'After Opening Report'
  • %AfterOpeningWindow,'After Opening Progress Window'
  • %AfterPrimaryNext,'Relation Tree, After NEXT on primary file'
  • %AfterPrint,'After Printing Detail Section'
  • %AfterRangeFilterCheck,'After range and filter check'
  • %AfterSecondaryNext,'Relation Tree, After NEXT on secondary file'
  • %AfterSetPropDataPath, 'Program CODE Section, after setting SYSTEM{{PROP:DataPath}'
  • %AfterSettingFileTags, 'After setting all file tags'
  • %AfterTotalLoop,'After Browse Total Loop'
  • %AfterTurnQuickScanOn,'After Turning QuickScan On'
  • %AfterUnBind,'After UNBIND Fields'
  • %AfterUpdateFileDropComboVirtual,'FileDropCombo, After calling update procedure'
  • %AfterViewerInitialization,'After Ascii Viewer Initialization'
  • %AfterWindowClosing,'After Closing the Window'
  • %AfterWindowOpening,'After Opening the Window'
  • %AfterWindowTranslation,'After Window Runtime Translation'
  • %AlertKeyCaseKEYCODE,'Browser, TakeKey inside CASE KEYCODE
  • %BeforeAccept,'Preparing to Process the Window'
  • %BeforeAddingPrimaryToQueue,'Relation Tree, Before Adding Primary Record to Queue'
  • %BeforeAddingSecondaryToQueue,'Relation Tree, Before Adding Secondary Record to Queue'
  • %BeforeAssignToOLE,'Before assigning BLOB to OLE Control'
  • %BeforeBind,'Before BIND Fields'
  • %BeforeBlobAssign,'Before assigning from OLE control to BLOB'
  • %BeforeCallingDOSFileLookupAsk,'Before calling DOSFileLookup.Ask method'
  • %BeforeCallingUpdateOnAdd,'Relation Tree, Before Update Procedure on Add'
  • %BeforeCallingUpdateOnEdit,'Relation Tree, Before Update Procedure on Edit'
  • %BeforeCallingUpdateOnRemove,'Relation Tree, Before Update Procedure on Remove'
  • %BeforeClosingExports,'Closing the export file'
  • %BeforeClosingReport,'Before Closing Report'
  • %BeforeControlRefresh,'Before Refresh Window for Browse Box'
  • %BeforeControlRefresh,'Before Refresh Window for FormVCR'
  • %BeforeDctDestruction, 'Before dictionary destruction'
  • %BeforeDctInitialization, 'Before dictionary initialization'
  • %BeforeExportList,'Before the export list'
  • %BeforeFileAction,'When completed, before writing to disk'
  • %BeforeFileClose,'CloseFiles ROUTINE, Before Closing Files'
  • %BeforeFileClose,'End of Procedure, Before Closing Files'
  • %BeforeFileDeclarations,'Before File Declarations'
  • %BeforeFileOpen,'Beginning of Procedure, Before Opening Files'
  • %BeforeFileOpen,'OpenFiles ROUTINE, Before Opening Files'
  • %BeforeFileRestore,'RestoreFiles ROUTINE, Before Restoring Files'
  • %BeforeFileSave,'SaveFiles ROUTINE, Before Saving Files'
  • %BeforeGlobalIncludes,'Before Global INCLUDEs'
  • %BeforeInitialGet,'Before first record retrieval'
  • %BeforeKeySet,'Before SET
  • %BeforeOLEInitialization,'Before initializing OLE control'
  • %BeforeOpeningWindow,'Before Opening Progress Window'
  • %BeforePreparingRecordOnAdd,'Relation Tree, Before Preparing Record for Add'
  • %BeforePrimaryDisplay,'Relation Tree, Before Setting Display on Primary File'
  • %BeforePrimaryDisplayCreate,'Relation Tree, Before Creating Display on Primary File'
  • %BeforePrimaryNext,'Relation Tree, Before NEXT on primary file'
  • %BeforePrint,'Before Printing Detail Section'
  • %BeforePrintPreview,'Before Print Preview'
  • %BeforeSecondaryDisplay,'Relation Tree, Before Setting Display on Secondary File'
  • %BeforeSecondaryDisplayCreate,'Relation Tree, Before Creating Display on Secondary File'
  • %BeforeSecondaryNext,'Relation Tree, Before NEXT on secondary file'
  • %BeforeSubsequentRead,'Before subsequent record retrieval'
  • %BeforeTotalLoop,'Before Browse Total Loop'
  • %BeforeTurnQuickScanOn,'Before Turning QuickScan On'
  • %BeforeUnBind,'Before UNBIND Fields'
  • %BeforeUpdateFileDropComboVirtual,'FileDropCombo, Before calling update procedure'
  • %BeforeWindowClosing,'Before Closing the Window'
  • %BeforeWindowIniResize,'Before Resizing Window From INI file'
  • %BeforeWindowOpening,'Before Opening the Window'
  • %BeforeWindowTranslation,'Before Window Runtime Translation'
  • %BeginAddEntryRoutine,'Relation Tree, Beginning of Add Record Routine'
  • %BeginningExports,'Top of export list'
  • %BreakManagerManagerMethodCodeSection,'Break Manager Method Executable Code Section'
  • %BreakManagerManagerMethodCodeSectionLevelAction,'Break Manager Method Executable Code Section'
  • %BreakManagerMethodDataSection,'Break Manager Method Data Section'
  • %BrowseAfterChange,'Browser, After Change'
  • %BrowseAfterDelete,'Browser, After Delete'
  • %BrowseAfterInsert,'Browser, After Insert'
  • %BrowseBeforeChange,'Browser, Before Change'
  • %BrowseBeforeDelete,'Browser, Before Delete'
  • %BrowseBeforeInsert,'Browser, Before Insert'
  • %BrowseBoxAfterUpdate,'Browse Box, returning from the update procedure'
  • %BrowseBoxBeforeUpdate,'Browse Box, before calling the update procedure'
  • %BrowseBoxDoubleClickHandler,'Browser, Double Click Handler'
  • %BrowseBoxEmpty,'Browser, no records found'
  • %BrowseBoxNotEmpty,'Browser, records found'
  • %BrowseBoxProcessSelected,'Browse Box, process selected record'
  • %BrowseInit,'Browse Initialization'
  • %BrowsePrepNormal,'Browse Preparation, Request Normal Operation'
  • %BrowsePrepSelectRecord,'Browse Preparation, Request to Select Record'
  • %BrowserEIPManagerMethodCodeSection,'Browse EIP Manager Method Executable Code Section'
  • %BrowserEIPManagerMethodDataSection,'Browse EIP Manager Method Data Section'
  • %BrowserMethodCodeSection,'Browser Method Code Section'
    • Rank: 3
  • %BrowserMethodDataSection,'Browser Method Data Section'
  • %CalendarLookupMethodCodeSection,'Calendar Lookup Method Executable Code Section'
  • %CalendarLookupMethodDataSection,'Calendar Lookup Method Data Section'
  • %CategoryDiscountModifierMethodCodeSection,'Category Discount Modifier Method Executable Code Section'
  • %CategoryDiscountModifierMethodDataSection,'Category Discount Modifier Method Data Section'
  • %ChildViewManagerDataSection,'Child View Manager Method Data Section'
  • %ChildViewManagerMethodCodeSection,'Child View Manager Method Executable Code Section'
  • %CleanCloseDownCodeAfter,'CleanCloseDown After Notification'
  • %CleanCloseDownCodeBefore,'CleanCloseDown Before Notification'
  • %CleanCloseDownData,'CleanCloseDown Before Notification'
  • %ControlEventHandling,'Control Event Handling'
    • Rank: 2
  • %ControlHandling,'Control Handling'
  • %ControlOtherEventHandling,'Other Control Event Handling'
  • %ControlPostEventCaseHandling,'Control Handling, after event handling'
  • %ControlPostEventHandling,'Control Event Handling, after generated code'
    • Rank: 6
  • %ControlPreEventCaseHandling,'Control Handling, before event handling'
  • %ControlPreEventHandling,'Control Event Handling, before generated code'
  • %CooperationClassMethodCodeSection,'Global Cooperation Class Method Executable Code Section'
  • %CooperationClassMethodDataSection,'Global Cooperation Class Method Data Section'
  • %DataSection,'Data for the procedure'
  • %DataSection,'Data Section'
    • Rank: 7
  • %DataSectionAfterReport,'Data Section, After Report Declaration'
  • %DataSectionAfterWindow,'Data Section, After Window Declaration'
  • %DataSectionBeforeReport,'Data Section, Before Report Declaration'
  • %DataSectionBeforeWindow,'Data Section, Before Window Declaration'
  • %DataSectionEndWindow,'Data Section, End of Window Declaration'
  • %DbAuditMethodCodeSection,'Global Database Audit Method Executable Code Section'
  • %DbAuditMethodDataSection,'Global Database Audit Method Data Section'
  • %DbChangeTriggerMethodCodeSection,'Global Database Audit Method Executable Code Section'
  • %DbChangeTriggerMethodDataSection,'Global Database Audit Method Data Section'
  • %DctInitEnd, 'Dictionary Initialization End'
  • %DctInitStart, 'Dictionary Initialization Start'
  • %DctKillEnd, 'Dictionary Destruction End'
  • %DctKillStart, 'Dictionary Destruction Start'
  • %DeclarationSection,'Declaration Section'
  • %DictionaryConstruct, 'Dictionary Construct'
  • %DictionaryDestruct, 'Dictionary Destruct'
  • %DLLExportList,'Inside the export list'
  • %DLLInitCode,'DLL Initialization code'
  • %DLLKillCode, 'DLL Killing code'
  • %DynImageMethodCodeSection,'Dynamic Image Method Executable Code Section'
  • %DynImageMethodDataSection,'Dynamic Image Method Data Section'
  • %EditInPlaceManagerMethodCodeSection,'Edit-In-Place Manager Executable Code Section'
  • %EditInPlaceManagerMethodDataSection,'Edit-In-Place Manager Method Executable Data Section'
  • %EndBackwardRoutine,'Browser, End of FillRecord VIRTUAL, reading backward'
  • %EndFillRecordRoutineForward,'Browser, Start of FillRecord VIRTUAL, reading forward'
  • %EndFillRoutineBackward,'Browser, End of FillRecord VIRTUAL for FillBackward'
  • %EndOfFillForwardRoutine,'Browser, End of FillRecord VIRTUAL for FillForward'
  • %EndOfFormatBrowse,'End of Format an element of the browse queue'
  • %EndOfFormatFileDrop,'FileDrop, End of Format an Element of the Queue'
  • %EndOfFormatFileDropCombo,'FileDropCombo, End of Format an Element of the Queue'
  • %EndOfProcedure,'End of Procedure'
  • %ErrorManagerCodeSection,'Error Manager Executable Code Section'
  • %ErrorManagerDataSection,'Error Manager Data Section'
  • %EventCaseAfterGenerated,'CASE EVENT
  • %EventCaseBeforeGenerated,'CASE EVENT
  • %EventHandlerCode,'OLE Event Handler, Code Section'
  • %EventHandlerDeclaration,'OLE Event Handler, Declaration Section'
  • %FieldCaseAfterGenerated,'CASE FIELD
  • %FieldCaseBeforeGenerated,'CASE FIELD
  • %FieldLevelValidation,'Field level validation'
  • %FieldLevelValidationFail,'Upon field validation failure'
  • %FileDropComboMethodCodeSection,'FileDropCombo Method Executable Code Section'
  • %FileDropComboMethodDataSection,'FileDropCombo Method Data Section'
  • %FileDropMethodCodeSection,'FileDrop Method Executable Code Section'
  • %FileDropMethodDataSection,'FileDrop Method Data Section'
  • %FileLookupMethodCodeSection,'File Lookup Method Executable Code Section'
  • %FileLookupMethodDataSection,'File Lookup Method Data Section'
  • %FileManagerCodeSection,'File Manager Executable Code Section'
  • %FileManagerDataSection,'File Manager Data Section'
  • %FormatBrowse,'Browser, Format an element of the queue'
  • %FormatFileDrop,'FileDrop, Format an Element of the Queue'
  • %FormatFileDropCombo,'FileDropCombo, Format an Element of the Queue'
  • %FormVCRInit,'FormVCR Initialization'
  • %FormVCRMethodCodeSection,'FormVCR Method Code Section'
  • %FormVCRMethodDataSection,'FormVCR Method Data Section'
  • %FrameExtensionMethodCodeSection,'Frame Extension Method Executable Code Section'
  • %FrameExtensionMethodDataSection,'Frame Extension Method Data Section'
  • %FuzzyMatcherMethodCodeSection,'Fuzzy Matcher Method Executable Code Section'
  • %FuzzyMatcherMethodDataSection,'Fuzzy Matcher Method Data Section'
  • %GiftWrapModifierMethodCodeSection,'Gift Wrap Modifier Method Executable Code Section'
  • %GiftWrapModifierMethodDataSection,'Gift Wrap Modifier Method Data Section'
  • %GlobalData,'Global Data'
  • %GlobalMap,'Inside the Global Map'
  • %INIManagerCodeSection,'INI Manager Executable Code Section'
  • %INIManagerDataSection,'INI Manager Data Section'
  • %ListboxStyleAfterDefine,'ListboxStyle After Define'
  • %ListboxStyleBeforeDefine,'ListboxStyle Before Define'
  • %LocalDataAfterClasses,'Local Data After Object Declarations'
  • %LocalProcedures,'Local Procedures'
  • %LocatorMethodCodeSection,'Locator Method Executable Code Section'
  • %LocatorMethodDataSection,'Locator Method Data Section'
  • %LookupRelated,'Lookup Related Records'
  • %ModuleDataSection,'Module Data Section'
  • %NewMethodCodeSection,'New Class Method Code Section'
    • Rank: 10
  • %NewMethodDataSection,'New Class Method Data Section'
  • %NoBlobContents,'When the OLE Blob is Empty'
  • %PopupMgrMethodCodeSection,'PopupMgr Method Executable Code Section'
  • %PopupMgrMethodDataSection,'PopupMgr Method Data Section'
  • %PostWindowEventHandling,'Window Event Handling, after generated code'
  • %PrepareAlerts,'Preparing Window Alerts'
  • %PreviewerManagerMethodCodeSection,'Print Previewer Method Executable Code Section'
  • %PreviewerMethodDataSection,'Print Previewer Method Data Section'
  • %PrimeFields,'Prime record fields on Insert'
  • %ProcedureInitialize,'Initialize the Procedure'
  • %ProcedureRoutines,'Procedure Routines'
    • Rank: 5
  • %ProcedureSetup,'Procedure Setup'
  • %ProcessActivity,'Activity for each record'
  • %ProcessedCode,'Processed Code'
  • %ProcessError,'Error checking after record Action'
  • %ProcessManagerMethodCodeSection,'Process Method Executable Code Section'
    • Rank: 4
  • %ProcessManagerMethodDataSection,'Process Method Data Section'
  • %ProgramEnd,'Program End'
  • %ProgramProcedures,'Program Procedures'
  • %ProgramRoutines,'Program Routines'
  • %ProgramSetup,'Program Setup'
  • %ProgressCancel,'When the report is cancelled'
  • %ProgressManagerMethodCodeSection,'Progress Manager Method Executable Code Section'
  • %ProgressManagerMethodDataSection,'Progress Manager Method Data Section'
  • %PropChangeCode,'OLE Prop Change Callback, Code Section'
  • %PropChangeDeclaration,'OLE Prop Change Callback, Declaration Section'
  • %PropEditCode,'OLE Prop Edit Callback, Code Section'
  • %PropEditDeclaration,'OLE Prop Edit Callback, Declaration Section'
  • %QBEMethodCodeSection,'QBE Method Executable Code Section'
  • %QBEMethodDataSection,'QBE Method Data Section'
  • %QBEVisualMethodCodeSection,'QBE Visual Method Executable Code Section'
  • %QBEVisualMethodDataSection,'QBE Visual Method Data Section'
  • %QuantityDiscountModifierMethodCodeSection,'Quantity Discount Modifier Method Executable Code Section'
  • %QuantityDiscountModifierMethodDataSection,'Quantity Discount Modifier Method Data Section'
  • %RecordFilter,'Validate Record: Filter Checking'
  • %RecordOutOfRange,'Browser, Validate Record: Range Checking'
  • %RecordPriming,'Record Priming'
  • %RefreshWindowAfterLookup,'Refresh Window routine, after lookups'
  • %RefreshWindowBeforeDisplay,'Refresh Window routine, before DISPLAY
  • %RefreshWindowBeforeLookup,'Refresh Window routine, before lookups'
  • %RelationManagerCodeSection,'Relation Manager Code Section'
  • %RelationManagerDataSection,'Relation Manager Data Section'
  • %ReportAfterLookups,'After Lookups'
  • %ReportBeforeLookups,'Before Lookups'
  • %ResizeControlStrategy,'Set resize strategy'
  • %ResizerMethodCodeSection,'Window Resizer Method Executable Code Section'
  • %ResizerMethodDataSection,'Window Resizer Method Data Section'
  • %SalesTaxModifierMethodCodeSection,'Sales Tax Modifier Method Executable Code Section'
  • %SalesTaxModifierMethodDataSection,'Sales Tax Modifier Method Data Section'
  • %SearcherMethodCodeSection,'ASCII Searcher Method Executable Code Section'
  • %SearcherMethodDataSection,'ASCII Searcher Method Data Section'
  • %SetupResizeControlStrategy,'Setup control resize strategies'
  • %ShipList,'Inside the Shipping List'
  • %ShippingOnInvoiceLineModifierMethodCodeSection,'Shipping On Invoice Line Modifier Method Executable Code Section'
  • %ShippingOnInvoiceLineModifierMethodDataSection,'Shipping On Invoice Line Modifier Method Data Section'
  • %ShippingOnInvoiceModifierMethodCodeSection,'Shipping On Invoice Modifier Method Executable Code Section'
  • %ShippingOnInvoiceModifierMethodDataSection,'Shipping On Invoice Modifier Method Data Section'
  • %StartBackwardRoutine,'Browser, Start of FillRecord VIRTUAL for FillBackward'
  • %StartFetchRoutineForward,'Browser, Start of Fetch VIRTUAL, reading forward'
  • %StartFillForwardRoutine,'Browser, Start of Fetch VIRTUAL for FillForward'
  • %StartFillRecordRoutineBackward,'Browser,Start of FillRecord VIRTUAL, reading backward'
  • %StartOfModule,'Start of module'
  • %StepManagerMethodCodeSection,'Step Manager Executable Code Section'
  • %StepManagerMethodCodeSection,'Step Manager Method Executable Code Section'
  • %StepManagerMethodDataSection,'Step Manager Method Data Section'
  • %StepManagerMethodDataSection,'Step Manager Method Executable Data Section'
  • %SyncWindowAfterLookup,'Sync Record routine, after lookups'
  • %SyncWindowBeforeLookup,'Sync Record routine, before lookups'
  • %TargetSelectorManagerMethodCodeSection,'Target Selector Method Executable Code Section'
  • %TargetSelectorMethodDataSection,'Target Selector Method Data Section'
  • %ThreadLockerMethodCodeSection,'Global Thread Locker Method Executable Code Section'
  • %ThreadLockerMethodDataSection,'Global Thread Locker Method Data Section'
  • %ToolbarFormManagerMethodCodeSection,'Toolbar Form Manager Method Executable Code Section'
  • %ToolbarFormManagerMethodDataSection,'Toolbar Form Manager Method Data Section'
  • %ToolbarMethodCodeSection,'Toolbar Manager Method Executable Code Section'
  • %ToolbarMethodDataSection,'Toolbar Manager Method Data Section'
  • %TotalLoop,'Browse Total Loop'
  • %TransactionManagerMethodCodeSection,'Transaction Manager Method Executable Code Section'
  • %TransactionManagerMethodDataSection,'Transaction Manager Method Data Section'
  • %TranslatorCodeSection,'Translator Executable Code Section'
  • %TranslatorDataSection,'Translator Data Section'
  • %ViewerMethodCodeSection,'ASCII Viewer Method Executable Code Section'
  • %ViewerMethodDataSection,'ASCII Viewer Method Data Section'
  • %WindowEventHandling,'Window Event Handling'
    • Rank: 9
  • %WindowEventHandlingAfterRejected,'Window Event Handling - After Rejected'
  • %WindowEventHandlingBeforeRejected,'Window Event Handling - Before Rejected'
  • %WindowEventOpenWindowAfter,'Window Event: Open Window, after setting up for read'
  • %WindowEventOpenWindowBefore,'Window Event: Open Window, before setting up for reading'
  • %WindowInitializationCode,'Window Initialization Code'
  • %WindowManagerMethodCodeSection,'WindowManager Method Executable Code Section'
    • Rank: 1
  • %WindowManagerMethodDataSection,'WindowManager Method Data Section'
  • %WindowOtherEventHandling,'Other Window Event Handling'
  • No labels