The annotated ABC embed list
The annotated ABC embed list
The following embeds are extracted from the ABC template chain; the list excludes hidden embeds as those are only available to template writers, not to anyone just adding code to an embed.
Embed ranking is taken from Embed Analysis: Which Embeds Do Clarion Developers Use The Most?
Annotations are a work in progress.
- %AcceptedEventOtherHandling,'ELSE Clause of CASE ACCEPTED
- %AcceptLoopAfterEventHandling,'Accept Loop, After TakeEvent'
- %AcceptLoopAfterFieldHandling,'Accept Loop, After CASE FIELD
- %AcceptLoopBeforeEventHandling,'Accept Loop, Before TakeEvent'
- %AcceptLoopBeforeFieldHandling,'Accept Loop, Before CASE FIELD
- %AdditionalDebugHooks,'Add additional DebugHook statements'
- A debugging aid. From the Help:
"Instances of threaded variables are allocated at run time, so the debugger cannot show these variables directly. If a function is using threaded variables, the compiler generates calls to a runtime library function, which returns an address of the valid instance and the instruction to store the obtained address in the local variable. This code allows the use of correct instances of threaded variables in the function and also allows you see their values in the debugger. This is only possible for those variables actually used in the function. Because any program can have thousands of these threaded variables, it is impossible to hook every variable declared in the program by every procedure.
The goal of the DEBUGHOOK statement is to use the requested variable in the procedure and hence force the compiler to obtain its instance, which can then be shown by the debugger."
- A debugging aid. From the Help:
- %AfterAccept,'After Processing the Window'
- %AfterAssignToOLE,'After assigning BLOB to OLE Control'
- %AfterBind,'After BIND Fields'
- %AfterBlobAssign,'After assigning from OLE control to BLOB'
- %AfterCallingDOSFileLookupAsk,'After calling DOSFileLookup.Ask method'
- %AfterCallingUpdateOnAdd,'Relation Tree, After Update Procedure on Add'
- %AfterCallingUpdateOnEdit,'Relation Tree, After Update Procedure on Edit'
- %AfterCallingUpdateOnRemove,'Relation Tree, After Update Procedure on Remove'
- %AfterClosingExports,'After Closing the export file'
- %AfterControlRefresh,'After Refresh Window for Browse Box'
- %AfterControlRefresh,'After Refresh Window for FormVCR'
- %AfterCreatingExportFile,'Creating the export file'
- %AfterCSILDCreateFolderGetError, 'Program CODE Section Error Handling for INI file CSIDL folder creation'
- %AfterCSILDCreateFolderGetErrorDLL, 'DLLInitialiser.Construct CODE Section Error Handling for INI file CSIDL folder creation'
- %AfterDataPathCSIDLCreationGetError, 'Program CODE Section Error Handling for Data Path creation'
- %AfterDctDestruction, 'After dictionary destruction'
- %AfterDctInitialization, 'After dictionary initialization'
- %AfterEntryPointCodeStatement,'After PROGRAM code statement'
- %AfterFileClose,'CloseFiles ROUTINE, After Closing Files'
- %AfterFileClose,'End of Procedure, After Closing Files'
- %AfterFileDeclarations,'After File Declarations'
- %AfterFileOpen,'Beginning of Procedure, After Opening Files'
- %AfterFileOpen,'OpenFiles ROUTINE, After Opening Files'
- %AfterFileRestore,'RestoreFiles ROUTINE, After Restoring Files'
- %AfterFileSave,'SaveFiles ROUTINE, After Saving Files'
- %AfterGlobalIncludes,'After Global INCLUDEs'
- %AfterInitGlobalDllObjects, 'DLL Initialization code after configuring global objects'
- %AfterInitialGet,'After first record retrieval'
- %AfterInitializingResize,'After initializing resizer'
- %AfterOLEInitialization,'After initializing OLE control'
- %AfterOpeningReport,'After Opening Report'
- %AfterOpeningWindow,'After Opening Progress Window'
- %AfterPrimaryNext,'Relation Tree, After NEXT on primary file'
- %AfterPrint,'After Printing Detail Section'
- %AfterRangeFilterCheck,'After range and filter check'
- %AfterSecondaryNext,'Relation Tree, After NEXT on secondary file'
- %AfterSetPropDataPath, 'Program CODE Section, after setting SYSTEM{{PROP:DataPath}'
- %AfterSettingFileTags, 'After setting all file tags'
- %AfterTotalLoop,'After Browse Total Loop'
- %AfterTurnQuickScanOn,'After Turning QuickScan On'
- %AfterUnBind,'After UNBIND Fields'
- %AfterUpdateFileDropComboVirtual,'FileDropCombo, After calling update procedure'
- %AfterViewerInitialization,'After Ascii Viewer Initialization'
- %AfterWindowClosing,'After Closing the Window'
- %AfterWindowOpening,'After Opening the Window'
- %AfterWindowTranslation,'After Window Runtime Translation'
- %AlertKeyCaseKEYCODE,'Browser, TakeKey inside CASE KEYCODE
- %BeforeAccept,'Preparing to Process the Window'
- %BeforeAddingPrimaryToQueue,'Relation Tree, Before Adding Primary Record to Queue'
- %BeforeAddingSecondaryToQueue,'Relation Tree, Before Adding Secondary Record to Queue'
- %BeforeAssignToOLE,'Before assigning BLOB to OLE Control'
- %BeforeBind,'Before BIND Fields'
- %BeforeBlobAssign,'Before assigning from OLE control to BLOB'
- %BeforeCallingDOSFileLookupAsk,'Before calling DOSFileLookup.Ask method'
- %BeforeCallingUpdateOnAdd,'Relation Tree, Before Update Procedure on Add'
- %BeforeCallingUpdateOnEdit,'Relation Tree, Before Update Procedure on Edit'
- %BeforeCallingUpdateOnRemove,'Relation Tree, Before Update Procedure on Remove'
- %BeforeClosingExports,'Closing the export file'
- %BeforeClosingReport,'Before Closing Report'
- %BeforeControlRefresh,'Before Refresh Window for Browse Box'
- %BeforeControlRefresh,'Before Refresh Window for FormVCR'
- %BeforeDctDestruction, 'Before dictionary destruction'
- %BeforeDctInitialization, 'Before dictionary initialization'
- %BeforeExportList,'Before the export list'
- %BeforeFileAction,'When completed, before writing to disk'
- %BeforeFileClose,'CloseFiles ROUTINE, Before Closing Files'
- %BeforeFileClose,'End of Procedure, Before Closing Files'
- %BeforeFileDeclarations,'Before File Declarations'
- %BeforeFileOpen,'Beginning of Procedure, Before Opening Files'
- %BeforeFileOpen,'OpenFiles ROUTINE, Before Opening Files'
- %BeforeFileRestore,'RestoreFiles ROUTINE, Before Restoring Files'
- %BeforeFileSave,'SaveFiles ROUTINE, Before Saving Files'
- %BeforeGlobalIncludes,'Before Global INCLUDEs'
- %BeforeInitialGet,'Before first record retrieval'
- %BeforeKeySet,'Before SET
- %BeforeOLEInitialization,'Before initializing OLE control'
- %BeforeOpeningWindow,'Before Opening Progress Window'
- %BeforePreparingRecordOnAdd,'Relation Tree, Before Preparing Record for Add'
- %BeforePrimaryDisplay,'Relation Tree, Before Setting Display on Primary File'
- %BeforePrimaryDisplayCreate,'Relation Tree, Before Creating Display on Primary File'
- %BeforePrimaryNext,'Relation Tree, Before NEXT on primary file'
- %BeforePrint,'Before Printing Detail Section'
- %BeforePrintPreview,'Before Print Preview'
- %BeforeSecondaryDisplay,'Relation Tree, Before Setting Display on Secondary File'
- %BeforeSecondaryDisplayCreate,'Relation Tree, Before Creating Display on Secondary File'
- %BeforeSecondaryNext,'Relation Tree, Before NEXT on secondary file'
- %BeforeSubsequentRead,'Before subsequent record retrieval'
- %BeforeTotalLoop,'Before Browse Total Loop'
- %BeforeTurnQuickScanOn,'Before Turning QuickScan On'
- %BeforeUnBind,'Before UNBIND Fields'
- %BeforeUpdateFileDropComboVirtual,'FileDropCombo, Before calling update procedure'
- %BeforeWindowClosing,'Before Closing the Window'
- %BeforeWindowIniResize,'Before Resizing Window From INI file'
- %BeforeWindowOpening,'Before Opening the Window'
- %BeforeWindowTranslation,'Before Window Runtime Translation'
- %BeginAddEntryRoutine,'Relation Tree, Beginning of Add Record Routine'
- %BeginningExports,'Top of export list'
- %BreakManagerManagerMethodCodeSection,'Break Manager Method Executable Code Section'
- %BreakManagerManagerMethodCodeSectionLevelAction,'Break Manager Method Executable Code Section'
- %BreakManagerMethodDataSection,'Break Manager Method Data Section'
- %BrowseAfterChange,'Browser, After Change'
- %BrowseAfterDelete,'Browser, After Delete'
- %BrowseAfterInsert,'Browser, After Insert'
- %BrowseBeforeChange,'Browser, Before Change'
- %BrowseBeforeDelete,'Browser, Before Delete'
- %BrowseBeforeInsert,'Browser, Before Insert'
- %BrowseBoxAfterUpdate,'Browse Box, returning from the update procedure'
- %BrowseBoxBeforeUpdate,'Browse Box, before calling the update procedure'
- %BrowseBoxDoubleClickHandler,'Browser, Double Click Handler'
- %BrowseBoxEmpty,'Browser, no records found'
- %BrowseBoxNotEmpty,'Browser, records found'
- %BrowseBoxProcessSelected,'Browse Box, process selected record'
- %BrowseInit,'Browse Initialization'
- %BrowsePrepNormal,'Browse Preparation, Request Normal Operation'
- %BrowsePrepSelectRecord,'Browse Preparation, Request to Select Record'
- %BrowserEIPManagerMethodCodeSection,'Browse EIP Manager Method Executable Code Section'
- %BrowserEIPManagerMethodDataSection,'Browse EIP Manager Method Data Section'
- %BrowserMethodCodeSection,'Browser Method Code Section'
- Rank: 6 (for the SetQueueRecord method)
- Rank: 10 (for the ValidateRecord method)
- %BrowserMethodDataSection,'Browser Method Data Section'
- %CalendarLookupMethodCodeSection,'Calendar Lookup Method Executable Code Section'
- %CalendarLookupMethodDataSection,'Calendar Lookup Method Data Section'
- %CategoryDiscountModifierMethodCodeSection,'Category Discount Modifier Method Executable Code Section'
- %CategoryDiscountModifierMethodDataSection,'Category Discount Modifier Method Data Section'
- %ChildViewManagerDataSection,'Child View Manager Method Data Section'
- %ChildViewManagerMethodCodeSection,'Child View Manager Method Executable Code Section'
- %CleanCloseDownCodeAfter,'CleanCloseDown After Notification'
- %CleanCloseDownCodeBefore,'CleanCloseDown Before Notification'
- %CleanCloseDownData,'CleanCloseDown Before Notification'
- %ControlEventHandling,'Control Event Handling'
- %ControlHandling,'Control Handling'
- %ControlOtherEventHandling,'Other Control Event Handling'
- %ControlPostEventCaseHandling,'Control Handling, after event handling'
- %ControlPostEventHandling,'Control Event Handling, after generated code'
- Rank: 9
- %ControlPreEventCaseHandling,'Control Handling, before event handling'
- %ControlPreEventHandling,'Control Event Handling, before generated code'
- %CooperationClassMethodCodeSection,'Global Cooperation Class Method Executable Code Section'
- %CooperationClassMethodDataSection,'Global Cooperation Class Method Data Section'
- %DataSection,'Data for the procedure'
- %DataSection,'Data Section'
- Rank: 4
- %DataSectionAfterReport,'Data Section, After Report Declaration'
- %DataSectionAfterWindow,'Data Section, After Window Declaration'
- %DataSectionBeforeReport,'Data Section, Before Report Declaration'
- %DataSectionBeforeWindow,'Data Section, Before Window Declaration'
- %DataSectionEndWindow,'Data Section, End of Window Declaration'
- %DbAuditMethodCodeSection,'Global Database Audit Method Executable Code Section'
- %DbAuditMethodDataSection,'Global Database Audit Method Data Section'
- We have database auditing? I need to get out more.
- %DbChangeTriggerMethodCodeSection,'Global Database Audit Method Executable Code Section'
- %DbChangeTriggerMethodDataSection,'Global Database Audit Method Data Section'
- %DctInitEnd, 'Dictionary Initialization End'
- %DctInitStart, 'Dictionary Initialization Start'
- %DctKillEnd, 'Dictionary Destruction End'
- %DctKillStart, 'Dictionary Destruction Start'
- %DeclarationSection,'Declaration Section'
- %DictionaryConstruct, 'Dictionary Construct'
- %DictionaryDestruct, 'Dictionary Destruct'
- %DLLExportList,'Inside the export list'
- %DLLInitCode,'DLL Initialization code'
- %DLLKillCode, 'DLL Killing code'
- %DynImageMethodCodeSection,'Dynamic Image Method Executable Code Section'
- %DynImageMethodDataSection,'Dynamic Image Method Data Section'
- %EditInPlaceManagerMethodCodeSection,'Edit-In-Place Manager Executable Code Section'
- %EditInPlaceManagerMethodDataSection,'Edit-In-Place Manager Method Executable Data Section'
- %EndBackwardRoutine,'Browser, End of FillRecord VIRTUAL, reading backward'
- %EndFillRecordRoutineForward,'Browser, Start of FillRecord VIRTUAL, reading forward'
- %EndFillRoutineBackward,'Browser, End of FillRecord VIRTUAL for FillBackward'
- %EndOfFillForwardRoutine,'Browser, End of FillRecord VIRTUAL for FillForward'
- %EndOfFormatBrowse,'End of Format an element of the browse queue'
- %EndOfFormatFileDrop,'FileDrop, End of Format an Element of the Queue'
- %EndOfFormatFileDropCombo,'FileDropCombo, End of Format an Element of the Queue'
- %EndOfProcedure,'End of Procedure'
- %ErrorManagerCodeSection,'Error Manager Executable Code Section'
- %ErrorManagerDataSection,'Error Manager Data Section'
- %EventCaseAfterGenerated,'CASE EVENT
- %EventCaseBeforeGenerated,'CASE EVENT
- %EventHandlerCode,'OLE Event Handler, Code Section'
- %EventHandlerDeclaration,'OLE Event Handler, Declaration Section'
- %FieldCaseAfterGenerated,'CASE FIELD
- %FieldCaseBeforeGenerated,'CASE FIELD
- %FieldLevelValidation,'Field level validation'
- %FieldLevelValidationFail,'Upon field validation failure'
- %FileDropComboMethodCodeSection,'FileDropCombo Method Executable Code Section'
- %FileDropComboMethodDataSection,'FileDropCombo Method Data Section'
- %FileDropMethodCodeSection,'FileDrop Method Executable Code Section'
- %FileDropMethodDataSection,'FileDrop Method Data Section'
- %FileLookupMethodCodeSection,'File Lookup Method Executable Code Section'
- %FileLookupMethodDataSection,'File Lookup Method Data Section'
- %FileManagerCodeSection,'File Manager Executable Code Section'
- %FileManagerDataSection,'File Manager Data Section'
- %FormatBrowse,'Browser, Format an element of the queue'
- %FormatFileDrop,'FileDrop, Format an Element of the Queue'
- %FormatFileDropCombo,'FileDropCombo, Format an Element of the Queue'
- %FormVCRInit,'FormVCR Initialization'
- %FormVCRMethodCodeSection,'FormVCR Method Code Section'
- %FormVCRMethodDataSection,'FormVCR Method Data Section'
- %FrameExtensionMethodCodeSection,'Frame Extension Method Executable Code Section'
- %FrameExtensionMethodDataSection,'Frame Extension Method Data Section'
- %FuzzyMatcherMethodCodeSection,'Fuzzy Matcher Method Executable Code Section'
- %FuzzyMatcherMethodDataSection,'Fuzzy Matcher Method Data Section'
- %GiftWrapModifierMethodCodeSection,'Gift Wrap Modifier Method Executable Code Section'
- %GiftWrapModifierMethodDataSection,'Gift Wrap Modifier Method Data Section'
- "GiftWrap" seems like an odd name, but these embeds are part of the shopping cart templates in abmod.tpw. It doesn't appear this template is actually used anywhere, however.
- %GlobalData,'Global Data'
- %GlobalMap,'Inside the Global Map'
- %INIManagerCodeSection,'INI Manager Executable Code Section'
- %INIManagerDataSection,'INI Manager Data Section'
- %ListboxStyleAfterDefine,'ListboxStyle After Define'
- %ListboxStyleBeforeDefine,'ListboxStyle Before Define'
- %LocalDataAfterClasses,'Local Data After Object Declarations'
- %LocalProcedures,'Local Procedures'
- %LocatorMethodCodeSection,'Locator Method Executable Code Section'
- %LocatorMethodDataSection,'Locator Method Data Section'
- %LookupRelated,'Lookup Related Records'
- %ModuleDataSection,'Module Data Section'
- %NewMethodCodeSection,'New Class Method Code Section'
- Rank: 8
- %NewMethodDataSection,'New Class Method Data Section'
- %NoBlobContents,'When the OLE Blob is Empty'
- %PopupMgrMethodCodeSection,'PopupMgr Method Executable Code Section'
- %PopupMgrMethodDataSection,'PopupMgr Method Data Section'
- %PostWindowEventHandling,'Window Event Handling, after generated code'
- %PrepareAlerts,'Preparing Window Alerts'
- %PreviewerManagerMethodCodeSection,'Print Previewer Method Executable Code Section'
- %PreviewerMethodDataSection,'Print Previewer Method Data Section'
- %PrimeFields,'Prime record fields on Insert'
- %ProcedureInitialize,'Initialize the Procedure'
- %ProcedureRoutines,'Procedure Routines'
- Rank: 3
- %ProcedureSetup,'Procedure Setup'
- %ProcessActivity,'Activity for each record'
- %ProcessedCode,'Processed Code'
- Rank: 6 (for Source procedures)
- %ProcessError,'Error checking after record Action'
- %ProcessManagerMethodCodeSection,'Process Method Executable Code Section'
- Rank: 2 (for the TakeRecord method)
- %ProcessManagerMethodDataSection,'Process Method Data Section'
- %ProgramEnd,'Program End'
- %ProgramProcedures,'Program Procedures'
- %ProgramRoutines,'Program Routines'
- %ProgramSetup,'Program Setup'
- %ProgressCancel,'When the report is cancelled'
- %ProgressManagerMethodCodeSection,'Progress Manager Method Executable Code Section'
- %ProgressManagerMethodDataSection,'Progress Manager Method Data Section'
- %PropChangeCode,'OLE Prop Change Callback, Code Section'
- %PropChangeDeclaration,'OLE Prop Change Callback, Declaration Section'
- %PropEditCode,'OLE Prop Edit Callback, Code Section'
- %PropEditDeclaration,'OLE Prop Edit Callback, Declaration Section'
- %QBEMethodCodeSection,'QBE Method Executable Code Section'
- %QBEMethodDataSection,'QBE Method Data Section'
- %QBEVisualMethodCodeSection,'QBE Visual Method Executable Code Section'
- %QBEVisualMethodDataSection,'QBE Visual Method Data Section'
- %QuantityDiscountModifierMethodCodeSection,'Quantity Discount Modifier Method Executable Code Section'
- %QuantityDiscountModifierMethodDataSection,'Quantity Discount Modifier Method Data Section'
- %RecordFilter,'Validate Record: Filter Checking'
- %RecordOutOfRange,'Browser, Validate Record: Range Checking'
- %RecordPriming,'Record Priming'
- %RefreshWindowAfterLookup,'Refresh Window routine, after lookups'
- %RefreshWindowBeforeDisplay,'Refresh Window routine, before DISPLAY
- %RefreshWindowBeforeLookup,'Refresh Window routine, before lookups'
- %RelationManagerCodeSection,'Relation Manager Code Section'
- %RelationManagerDataSection,'Relation Manager Data Section'
- %ReportAfterLookups,'After Lookups'
- %ReportBeforeLookups,'Before Lookups'
- %ResizeControlStrategy,'Set resize strategy'
- %ResizerMethodCodeSection,'Window Resizer Method Executable Code Section'
- %ResizerMethodDataSection,'Window Resizer Method Data Section'
- %SalesTaxModifierMethodCodeSection,'Sales Tax Modifier Method Executable Code Section'
- %SalesTaxModifierMethodDataSection,'Sales Tax Modifier Method Data Section'
- Like "GiftWrap..." this is part of the apparently unused shopping cart template.
- %SearcherMethodCodeSection,'ASCII Searcher Method Executable Code Section'
- %SearcherMethodDataSection,'ASCII Searcher Method Data Section'
- %SetupResizeControlStrategy,'Setup control resize strategies'
- %ShipList,'Inside the Shipping List'
- %ShippingOnInvoiceLineModifierMethodCodeSection,'Shipping On Invoice Line Modifier Method Executable Code Section'
- %ShippingOnInvoiceLineModifierMethodDataSection,'Shipping On Invoice Line Modifier Method Data Section'
- %ShippingOnInvoiceModifierMethodCodeSection,'Shipping On Invoice Modifier Method Executable Code Section'
- %ShippingOnInvoiceModifierMethodDataSection,'Shipping On Invoice Modifier Method Data Section'
- More shopping cart stuff
- %StartBackwardRoutine,'Browser, Start of FillRecord VIRTUAL for FillBackward'
- %StartFetchRoutineForward,'Browser, Start of Fetch VIRTUAL, reading forward'
- %StartFillForwardRoutine,'Browser, Start of Fetch VIRTUAL for FillForward'
- %StartFillRecordRoutineBackward,'Browser,Start of FillRecord VIRTUAL, reading backward'
- %StartOfModule,'Start of module'
- %StepManagerMethodCodeSection,'Step Manager Executable Code Section'
- %StepManagerMethodCodeSection,'Step Manager Method Executable Code Section'
- %StepManagerMethodDataSection,'Step Manager Method Data Section'
- %StepManagerMethodDataSection,'Step Manager Method Executable Data Section'
- %SyncWindowAfterLookup,'Sync Record routine, after lookups'
- %SyncWindowBeforeLookup,'Sync Record routine, before lookups'
- %TargetSelectorManagerMethodCodeSection,'Target Selector Method Executable Code Section'
- %TargetSelectorMethodDataSection,'Target Selector Method Data Section'
- %ThreadLockerMethodCodeSection,'Global Thread Locker Method Executable Code Section'
- %ThreadLockerMethodDataSection,'Global Thread Locker Method Data Section'
- %ToolbarFormManagerMethodCodeSection,'Toolbar Form Manager Method Executable Code Section'
- %ToolbarFormManagerMethodDataSection,'Toolbar Form Manager Method Data Section'
- %ToolbarMethodCodeSection,'Toolbar Manager Method Executable Code Section'
- %ToolbarMethodDataSection,'Toolbar Manager Method Data Section'
- %TotalLoop,'Browse Total Loop'
- %TransactionManagerMethodCodeSection,'Transaction Manager Method Executable Code Section'
- %TransactionManagerMethodDataSection,'Transaction Manager Method Data Section'
- %TranslatorCodeSection,'Translator Executable Code Section'
- %TranslatorDataSection,'Translator Data Section'
- %ViewerMethodCodeSection,'ASCII Viewer Method Executable Code Section'
- %ViewerMethodDataSection,'ASCII Viewer Method Data Section'
- %WindowEventHandling,'Window Event Handling'
- Rank: 9
- %WindowEventHandlingAfterRejected,'Window Event Handling - After Rejected'
- %WindowEventHandlingBeforeRejected,'Window Event Handling - Before Rejected'
- %WindowEventOpenWindowAfter,'Window Event: Open Window, after setting up for read'
- %WindowEventOpenWindowBefore,'Window Event: Open Window, before setting up for reading'
- %WindowInitializationCode,'Window Initialization Code'
- %WindowManagerMethodCodeSection,'WindowManager Method Executable Code Section'
- Rank: 1 (for the Init method)
- %WindowManagerMethodDataSection,'WindowManager Method Data Section'
- %WindowOtherEventHandling,'Other Window Event Handling'
, multiple selections available,