Bruce Johnson is a genius!

I've been going around the bend trying to find out why I was unable to compile in Clarion 9.1. If I loaded a hand coded project, none of the compile commands (menu, toolbar, context menu, hotkey) had any noticeable affect. A compile-and-run resulted in an IDE crash, however, as does a generate and compile of an APP. I was able compile from the command line. 

What to make of this? I got suggestions from Mike Hanson, Mark Goldberg, Bob Zaunere and Scott Ferrett. None of these worthy contributions made a lick of difference. So at Mike's suggestion I brought my problem to the ClarionLive weekly open webinar. 

After a rehash of prior suggestions, and one or two new ones that also didn't shed any light, Bruce Johnson asked me if I had CCC.exe running. CCC is the Catalyst Control Center, which some years ago was infamous for causing problems with Clarion, although I can't recall if any of those problems were my problem. 

I killed CCC.exe.

And Clarion 9.1 compiled my apps!

Woohoo! Thanks Bruce!!