Blog from May, 2012

Clarion 8.0.9285 released

SoftVelocity has released Clarion 8.0.9285. You can read the release notes here. There are lots of fixes and new features, but of particular note are changes to the RTL to improve control drawing speed and streamline event handling. Also the PROPPrint:Device bug has been fixed. 

Transactions and the IMDD

If you've ever encountered transaction errors while using the In-Memory Database Driver, let Dr. Parker enlighten you

New embeds page

There's a new page devoted to Clarion embed points. Currently there's one sub-page, a list of all the ABC embed points (with a few annotations).

Lots of good stuff in this week's ClarionLive, which featured the latest iteration of John Hickey's UltimateSQL class (collection). 

This week's ClarionLive featured &= as the "word" of the day, John Hickey giving an update on the Ultimate SQL class, and a data conversion panel including Mike Hanson, Bruce Johnson, JP Gutsatz, Jim Morgan, and Mike Gorman. Some very interesting tools and techniques were presented.

Dave Harms puzzles over a strange crash on selected apps when generating code via ClarionCL, and comes up with a last-ditch solution. 

From John and Arnold:

We're moving!

Well not too far.  We've moved our gotowebinar account to a brand-new account, which will save us several hundred dollars a year!

What does this mean to you?

You need to register for the new webinar!

Last Friday was the last ClarionLive! webinar under the old account.  All future webinars will be under the new account.

To register, please visit

Or go to the ClarionLive! website and register from there.

You only have to register ONCE to receive notifications and to attend all future webinars.

Brasil DevCon in June!

The XIII DevCon Clarion Brasil will be held from June 6-9, 2012 in Florianopolis, Brasil, in the Praia Brava Hotel. Presenters include Bob Zaunere, Diego Borogovich and Bruce Johnson. 

Show notes from the May 4 webinar, which featured John Hickey showing the UltimateSQL class.

This ClarionLive webinar featured Mike Hanson, JP Gutzatz and Bruce Johnson talking about converting files, both with regard to changing file layouts and changing file drivers. 

On ClarionLive Joe Tailleur presented on SQL, mainly PostgreSQL. He covered sequences and autonumbering, encryption, and strategies for making database changes. He also showed some interesting browse resize code.

Okay, it's not the first time Mark Riffey has ranted about the disinterest some Clarion developers have in Microsoft's new operating system releases. But as Mark points out, if you're not interested in what Microsoft is doing, you're not interested in how your business is doing. Get with the program, people! Read more...

A recent news group posting asked how to return a dimensioned variable, i.e. an array, from a called procedure. There is no “short answer” to this question … okay, there is and it is “you can't.” It is possible to get an array of values back from a called procedure. It just can't be done as a return value. Read more...

Clarion comes with a Developer Version of the ODBC TopSpeed Database driver, but as Rick Martin points out, it does not appear that an installer for the TPS ODBC driver has been included since about Clarion 5.5. Rick likes to do technical support and database debugging using Microsoft Access and the TPS ODBC driver. This lets him write SQL queries to examine and explore the database much more quickly than using TopScan or writing custom code. In this wiki entry Rick shows how to install the driver using merged registry files.

Gus Creces is putting on a conference for CHT users this June in Milton, Ontario. Details on the events page.