Using the Clarion SAX parser
May Clarion devs may not be aware that Clarion has had XML reading/writing capability since Clarion 6, when SoftVelocity shipped the CenterPoint C++ XML class library along with some wrapper Clarion classes. Unfortunately the open source CenterPoint XML project didn't last, and the original company web site is long gone.
I published several articles on ClarionMag about the CenterPoint classes, including:
- XML For Clarion Developers
- Reading XML With The CenterPoint Classes
- Creating XML Files With The Clarion 6 DOM Parser
- Creating An XML RSS Web Site Summary With Clarion 6 (Part 1)
- Creating An XML RSS Web Site Summary With Clarion 6 (Part 2)
The CenterPoint classes include both SAX and DOM parsers. DOM parsers have to load the entire document into memory before you can use it, but having the entire document at your disposal can make it easier to read and manipulate data. SAX parsers fire callbacks for each element found, and are better for reading massive files where memory usage could be a problem.
I experimented with the DOM parser. One thing I didn't ever try was reading an XML file with the SAX parser. But Unknown user did and he has kindly given me permission to post his example code.
Here's the main program CLW:
program include(''),once map end xmlFileName string(128) mySAXParserClass class(SAXParserClass) StartElement PROCEDURE(string name),derived EndElement PROCEDURE(string name),derived Characters PROCEDURE(string chars),derived addID byte(false) addFirstName byte(false) addLastName byte(false) addGender byte(false) end resultQueue queue,pre(RST) id long firstName cstring(21) lastName cstring(31) gender cstring(2) end result byte count long Window WINDOW('Result Queue after XML Parse'),AT(,,321,193),CENTER,SYSTEM,GRAY,AUTO LIST,AT(15,11,292,166),USE(?List1),HVSCROLL,VCR,FROM(resultQueue) END code xmlFileName = 'people_tags.xml' free(resultQueue) result = mySAXParserClass.ParseXMLFile(xmlFileName) if result <> 1 message('Error during XML Parsing') else open(Window) accept end close(Window) end mySAXParserClass.StartElement PROCEDURE(string name) code case name of 'Table' clear(resultQueue) self.addID = false self.addFirstName = false self.addLastName = false self.addGender = false of 'id' self.addID = true of 'firstname' self.addFirstName = true of 'lastname' self.addLastName = true of 'gender' self.addGender = true end mySAXParserClass.EndElement PROCEDURE(string name) code case name of 'Table' add(resultQueue) of 'id' self.addID = false of 'firstname' self.addFirstName = false of 'lastname' self.addLastName = false of 'gender' self.addGender = false end mySAXParserClass.Characters PROCEDURE(string chars) code if self.addID = true RST:ID = chars end if self.addFirstName = true RST:FirstName = chars end if self.addLastName = true RST:LastName = chars end if self.addGender = true RST:Gender = chars end
And here's the output of the program:
Sometime before the CenterPoint project went offline, I downloaded the source code (see below). I don't know how this version of the source compares with the one shipped with Clarion. If you compile it, let me know how it goes.