WxLive show notes for June 8 2012

WxLive show notes for June 8 2012

Rob Berry continued on from last week on creating iPhone apps. I got to the webinar late, and had to step out for a bit part way through, so I missed a bunch of stuff. 

From WxLive:

WM17 - iOS Development - Part 2

Rob Berry will introduce us to the work of iOS development using WinDev Mobile. He will walk us through step by step through the entire process to give us a good feel for what it takes to do your iOS project.

    • Generating the app to Obj-c and loading it to Xcode
    • Getting developer cert from the developers portal
    • Loading your cert so you can load the app onto a iphone
    • Submitting to iTunesConnect for publishing on appstore

I did see Rob talking about provisioning. Apple has a strong focus on the security of apps, so in order to distribute an app through the App Store you have to go through a number of steps. These include signing the application with an SSL certificate and creating a provisioning profile. 

Rob emphasized the importance of differentiating between sandbox and production when you're using push notifications. 

Anyway, it looks like I missed all the good stuff.

Rob commented on last week's problem with the long delay doing database access. He found that hand coding the database access removed the delay. For some reason using the built-in File/Query access is much slower. 

Also if you're using OpenChild, apparently the OpenChild call executes after any following code.