ClarionLive show notes for June 28 2013
Bruce mentioned that Capesoft will end support for C6 at the end of 2013. And everyone gave John grief for not having upgraded to C8 yet (then again, John probably uses more third party products than anyone on the planet).
Mike Hanson's Clarion Smell Of The Day: Long methods/procedures (as when you have way too much code). Some people say 2-5 lines of code per procedure/method, others say no more than a screen worth of code. In short, keep it as short as possible. Lots of discussion.
Several CIDC-related points, including the intro pricing ending on Sunday and a minor item about the hotel reservation system - click on the hotel room line to get the total price.
Bruce then took over with the NetTalk presentation. He began by walking through the app wizard, which determines the look and feel of the app. You can re-run the wizard at any time (I think).
Each NetTalk web app is a complete, self-contained web server. But if you wish you can compile the app as a DLL and use the another product called the NetTalk host server. The host server can then serve up more than one web site.
The server can also serve up static pages - just create the page where the server can find it.
Bruce generated and compiled a demo app and walked through an impressive demonstration of the app's functionality. He followed that with an discussion of how to change the look and feel of a NetTalk web app.
I had to duck out for about an hour and a half, but I have no doubt the stuff I missed while I was away was equally awesome. When I came back Bruce was still talking! Specifically, about the importance of separating styling and layout. You create the layout at development time, and then apply the styling at runtime via Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Also have a look at Stylizer, my personal recommendation for real-time CSS editing.
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