NetTalk User Group Meeting
The NetTalk User Group Meeting is back. After a successful (and popular) test run last year we are changing the format, and time of the online user group meeting slightly.
For the next little while Online NetTalk User Groups will take place every Thursday. The time of the webinar will alternate every second week. One week the webinar will be at 5am GMT, and the following week at 3pm GMT. I'm hoping that this mix will allow everyone the opportunity to participate live and to gather valuable knowledge. The sessions will be recorded and will be made available for those unable to attend live.
I know this alternating time might be confusing to some but hey, we're computer programmers, the cream of the crop so I figure we should be able to manage.
User Groups kick off _this Thursday_ (i.e. 9 January 2014) with this week being the "early" slot (5am GMT).
If you registered for the meeting last year then you don't need to register again you should just get an email reminder before the meeting starts. If you didn't register last year, and you want to join us, then register using this link;
The format of the User Group will be short, and fairly flexible. I'd like to keep it under an hour long so that it doesn't swamp into the whole day. I'll start by reviewing some information that may be of interest and I'll try and include at least one tip for beginners, intermediate and advanced users. There will also be an open time for people to ask questions, ask me to explain a technique and so on.