Clarion 9 build 10309 release notes

Clarion 9 build 10309 release notes

beta 4 - Fixes/Changes/Features

FIX: Client area of non-MDI WINDOWs or APPLICATIONs with menubar resized on hiding
FIX: Status bar with height 0 created for WINDOWs/APPLICATIONs without STATUS attribute
FIX: IF LIST's font changed, styles defined after that used original font
FIX: CWTask was using the Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData instead of the PropertyService.ConfigDirectory making the /Config param fail if using any folder other then the ApplicationData folder
FIX: On creating a new project from the app if the ClaRunExt.LIB was referenced it was asking for the project
FIX: Changing color in controls and pressing Enter Key or ESC Key was not behaving as expected
FIX: The Extended Colors Editor was not used when editing colors for the WINDOW or APPLICATION colors
PTSS 40103: Black flickering in some fields 
IMPROVEMENT: Reduce visual defects on resizing themed windows with PROP:Buffer set to values other than 0