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CIDC Schedule Posted

The CIDC 2017 schedule has been posted. Sessions include:

  • A preview of Clarion 11
  • Two H5 sessions
  • A number of SQL topics including conversions, debugging, profiling, etc.
  • A call to Code Craftsmanship
  • Database backup, restore and integrity
  • Template writing
  • Home automation and Amazon Echo
  • Google analytics in desktop apps

and much more, including third party presentations and of course two days of exceptional NetTalk training by CapeSoft.

Check out the full schedule here. If you haven't registered, this month is your last chance get a discount on registration fee

CIDC 2017 is on! Register by March 31 and save $300 on the conference registration, or $550 on both the conference and the training. 

Another good reason to register early - get your room at the Rosen! While there are other hotels nearby, there's nothing quite like staying on site. 

See you in Florida!

I suppose it's always dangerous to say something's permanent, especially when talking about technology, but for the foreseeable future I've moved ClarionMag to this site, 

Why here?

For some years now I've used Atlassian's Confluence content management system to deliver Clarion Magazine. It's a terrific platform - I love it and recommend it to anyone looking for a powerful and easy to use CMS. But it comes at a price; at the number of subscribers ClarionMag has, a license isn't cheap. It's not an unreasonable cost, especially considering what I've paid over the years in my own development time creating the previous versions of Clarion Magazine. Only it become clear to me in recent years that Clarion Magazine was transitioning from a business to a hobby. 

I've thought a lot about why this has happened, and what inside and outside forces have been at play. But perhaps the best explanation is this: it's been a good long run of 18 years, and it's just time. 

Only I don't want to let Clarion Magazine go, really. 

The best option I could come up with was to move it to a low cost hosted site, where all the software updates are included and I don't have to worry about any maintenance issues at all, not even server certificates. 

There is, however, a different price to pay. This site is limited to no more than ten active users. That means that I've had to deactivate almost all subscriber accounts.

The bad news is you can no longer log in, leave comments, save favorites etc.

The good news is you no longer have to log in or pay any kind of subscription fee. 

I do expect to post articles from time to time. I still have the urge to write, and I still use Clarion in the majority of my consulting work. But you'll probably see even less about traditional Clarion coding and more about where and how Clarion fits in the larger world of software development. What matters the most to me about Clarion these days isn't its past glories, or the nuances of the language, but how Clarion coding can be done using today's best practices, and perhaps most importantly how we can all preserve the value of our work for the future. 

So thank you everyone for all your support over the years, not least in the form of subscriptions. It's been and still is a wonderful learning experience, for which I am always grateful. I hope you'll all continue to enjoy this latest incarnation of Clarion Magazine. 

Dave Harms, Publisher

Russ Eggen, 1959-2016

It's hard for me to imagine a Clarion developer who hasn't heard of Russ Eggen. A Clarion user for 30 years, he was both a consultant and an instructor for Topspeed Corporation. He was also a founding member of SoftVelocity when that company formed in 2000. He left SoftVelocity the following year to start his own company, RadFusion Inc. 

Russ was a tireless Clarion advocate who helped many Clarion developers improve their skills. He taught numerous classes, wrote articles for Clarion publications, and was the author of the book Programming Objects in Clarion. His interests included flying, scuba, prog rock and on rare occasions politics. 

I always enjoyed meeting Russ at DevCons, but that hadn't happened for a while. This year I was disheartened to hear that he was battling cancer. As his health deteriorated he had to stop working; a GoFundMe campaign started by Rick Smith raised over $23,000 to defray some of Russ's expenses. Russ's sister Julie was with him in his last days, and expressed gratitude to the Clarion community for their support. 

Russ Eggen passed away December 24, 2016 at age 57. 


H5 first impressions

Rick Smith has started a GoFundMe campaign to help raise $12,000 for a cancer treatment for Russ Eggen that isn't covered by Russ's health insurance. Read more about it and contribute here!

You probably don't need any incentive to give Russ a hand, but here are some anyway:

  • For each qualifying donation Pratik Patel will provide a copy of his CYA IDE tool. CYA exports a TXA of your app every time you build, so it Covers Your App.
  • Contribute $100 or more and get: 
    • A year's worth of ClarionMag for free
    • Rick Martin's Format Assignment Alignment Addin
  • Contribute $500 or more and get ClarionMag free for life! 
  • Contribute $299 or more and Mark Riffery will provide "The Interview" service to your or the business owner of your choice. This is a set of 40-50 tough questions about your business. You answer the questions, Mark answers. You'll gain critical insights and advice about growing your business, specific to your business and your situation. 
  • Contribute $250 or more get 16 hours of free consulting from Mike Gorman, via phone or GoToMeeting and you'll also get a five production user version of the Metabase System with one year of updates. 

Update: The campaign has exceeded its target with $13,719 raised as of June 25!

The office will be closed from March 23-31 but I will be checking email periodically. Please allow several days for subscriptions to be processed.

Dave Harms


A first cut of the rebuilt ClarionMag archive is online. There's still lots of work to be done, but you can log in, and search for and read articles. Other links do not yet work, and the look and feel is still pretty raw. 

As you probably know the site has been offline for several months now. It broke badly when we moved the site to a new server. My initial efforts to get the archive back online were unsuccessful and eventually I realized that a proper fix was going to take a lot more work. 

When I first wrote what is now the archive site I began with Castle Monorail, a Ruby on Rails-inspired framework for .NET web development. But shortly thereafter Microsoft announced its ASP.NET MVC framework, and I eventually switched to that with the idea that it would be a bit more mainstream and better supported. That was the right decision - Castle Monorail has languished, and ASP.NET MVC (which is now part of ASP.NET vNext) is bigger and better than ever. 

It wasn't a completely clean break in favor of Microsoft tooling, however. I needed a reliable data layer, and back then Entity Framework was still pretty green. I had previous experience with Hibernate and Java, so I picked up the .NET version (NHibernate) and another toolkit called Sharp Architecture which provided a framework for using NHibernate with ASP.NET MVC. 

Like Monorail, Sharp Architecture hasn't gotten much love recently. When the archive site first went down I tried to update its Visual Studio solution with current versions of the many different libraries it uses, but I ran into a brick wall of dependency errors especially around Sharp Architecture. NuGet is a wonderful tool, but it can't work miracles.

So I decided to rip out Sharp Architecture and some of its related tooling and upgrade everything to MVC 5. Although Entity Framework has pulled ahead of NHibernate in recent years, I chose to leave the EF migration for another time. NHibernate is still well supported and a new data layer would mean an unnecessary delay getting the site back online.

I'm through most of the technical hurdles now. I have a working data layer again, with a slightly different implementation of the repository pattern. The old site used Castle Windsor for dependency injection (DI); I yanked that in favor of Autofac. Actually at first I tried to do without DI at all; why, I asked myself, introduce unnecessary complication? But while creating a proof of concept solution that simply read data from the database and dumped it out to a web page, I had problems maintaining an open database session for the lifetime of the page request. That's just the sort of thing that DI containers do quite well, and Autofac does especially well. But that's another, longer story. 

There's a major change on the UI side as well. The original archive site uses ASP.NET syntax with a number of HTML helpers, but back in MVC 3 Microsoft introduced the very cool Razor syntax for web pages. So as I bring individual pages back online I'm also rewriting them using Razor. 

As you may recall the archive site used a radius-cornered layout, and it did so via a number of formatting tricks as radiused corners were not widely available in CSS at the time. In the event I have to fiddle much (or at all) with the new site to get the appearance right I may also switch over to a mobile-friendly Foundation-based layout (besides which, radiused corners just aren't that cool anymore). I've been using Foundation in a consulting project and I've been quite impressed with it and with the SCSS-based approach to style sheets. That too is a subject for another time. 

Meanwhile I'm working away at the rewrite. I'm not prepared to give an ETA yet but I'm pleased with the progress. 

I very much appreciate everyone's patience. It's been a challenging and stressful time in the magazine's history, and I hope it won't take too much longer to get the archive site back online. Meanwhile if you already have full rights to the archive I can set you up so you can search the PDFs on this site. Just drop me a note on this page or send me an email. 

Do you test your code primarily by running the app that contains the code? If so, you may be a professional debuggerer. Scott Nimrod may be a .NET guy, but this question and others in his recent blog post make it sound like he's talking directly to the Clarion community. 

What's the alternative? For starters, get your code out of embed points, which is the very worst place it could be. For a more detailed explanation of code extraction and automated testing see Many-to-many checkboxes revisited.

We've had difficulties with the site since moving to this new server, and it's becoming clear that the long term solution is to upgrade the site software (built with an early release of ASP.NET MVC) to the currently available tooling. This work has begun. Thanks again for your patience. 

Ongoing server issues

We're continuing to have server issues following our move to a new host. The site is temporarily offline while we work on a solution. Thanks for your patience. 

CIDC day two summary
CIDC is on!

CIDC got off to a bit of a wobbly start with some technical issues, but those were resolved very quickly and we've had some excellent presentations with much more to come. I've been accumulating notes and will have some coverage up on the site this evening. 

Here's a grab bag of tips and techniques from our Databases & SQL e-book:

  • Clarion File Access Basics
  • Managing Table Opens In ABC
  • Creating ODBC Data Sources At Runtime
  • Securing Remote Database Connections With SSH Tunneling
  • Using Client-Side Triggers In Clarion 6
  • Working With Control Files
  • Changing Dictionaries
  • Alias - Who Was That Masked File?
  • Propitious Memory Corruption
  • Detecting Duplicate Records
  • NAME() Comes Of Age


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